In 1982, Fred Wright held a camp meeting in Portugal from July 9 to 17th, where there was a request to study the book of Revelation. He wrote:

The theme for the meetings was the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as recorded by the Apostle John. This was taken up because of the believers’ requests. I decided it would be better to cover the entire book rather than to attempt a thorough presentation, as the latter would involve months of time. What was needed was a general survey of the book to be followed by more detailed presentations later.

At the next two camps, in Germany and England, he was impressed to continue this study, only this time in detail. He wrote:

The topic studied was the book of Revelation. This is the natural follow on from the study of Daniel undertaken a year or more ago. One year it was Daniel, the next it was Jeremiah, and then it was Revelation. This is a correct sequence of study.

At the Portuguese camp, as mentioned above, we set out to cover the whole of the book of Revelation, and nearly succeeded. For the German camp, we decided to cover the book in detail, with the result that we only studied the first two chapters. It was a blessed study and the interest among the believers was very strong. Every meeting was well attended, with close attention being paid to what was said.

After this, Fred was impressed to follow the same study of the book of Revelation at the American and Australian camps, but to spread out the study over the camps, so that each chapter could be covered in detail. He wrote about this:

The plan is to continue the book of Revelation at each camp meeting from the place left off in the previous one. At the Californian camp, we covered only the first and second chapters. The Arkansas camp will begin with the third chapter. How far we will go has yet to be seen, but we should cover the next four or five chapters at least. Thus by continuing from camp to camp we will soon have a complete study of Revelation on tape.

At Puyallup, Washington, we will take a different approach by giving an overall view of the book, covering it only at that depth which will permit us to reach the end of it in the week. This will be the set of tapes which should be listened to first, followed by the Californian, Arkansas, Australian, and New Zealand tapes, if the last is necessary.

Washington – Revelation in Brief

At this camp, the whole book of Revelation was covered in brief. This was to be the beginning set, giving on overview of the whole book. Fred wrote:

The theme at the Puyallup meetings was the book of Revelation. We set out to cover the entire book and were successful in doing so. The result was a much less detailed study than the one given in Challenge, but a very blessed study nonetheless. It is recommended that the believers secure the tapes of the Puyallup meetings and listen to them first. This will give a complete overview of Revelation.

The deeper presentations being given at the Californian, Arkansas, and Australian camp meetings then follow…I was greatly impressed with the power which attended the study of this important book. It was wonderful and I am looking forward to the blessings to be obtained as we follow it through.

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California – Revelation 1 to 3

The Californian camp was the first English camp to cover Revelation in detail. The first two chapters, and part of the third, were presented. Fred wrote:

Once again, the theme was the book of Revelation. It was determined to do this in a thorough way, starting at the beginning of chapter one and proceeding in an orderly progression through the messages. What a practical and blessed study this proved to be, as we moved on from verse to verse.

Great light was found in the fact that the True Witness, Jesus Christ, retains for eternity the relationship formed with God when He became God’s Son. Thus He still receives of His Father what He gives to us. Thus the Revelation of Jesus Christ as given through John, was given by the Father to His Son. Thus Jesus occupies the same position in relation to His Father that He occupied when He was on this earth. Thus He revealed the mind of Christ which is the victorious element in the struggles that Revelation depicts.

Pitted against this is the mind of Satan who, although he often seems to get the upper hand, will in the end be soundly and eternally defeated. Thus we learned that the most necessary thing for us to do, is to establish and maintain the correct relationship with Jesus Christ. These early verses set the tone for the entire book.

Because of the enormous depth in the book, we were not able to progress beyond the first verses of chapter three. However, the plan is to continue from this same spot when we come to the Arkansas camp meeting. How far we will progress there remains to be seen, but we can continue from whatever point is reached when we come to the Australian camp meeting, and, if we do not finish the book there, we can bring it to its final conclusion in New Zealand.

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Arkansas – Revelation 3 to 10

At this camp were presented the second series of Revelation “in detail” studies, covering from the church of Philadelphia in the middle of Revelation 3, to almost the end of Revelation 10. About this camp, Fred wrote:

The study of Revelation continued from the point achieved in the Californian studies, and the promises that those who study this book will be greatly blessed, were realized by all present…

During these meetings, we came to understand why the Laodicean message had failed to achieve its purpose among the early Advent believers. It was because they thought that only a short work was necessary to fit them for the loud cry. When the work could not be accomplished in a few short months, many lost the effect of the message, sank back into the lukewarm state, and were eventually rejected of God…

The emphasis at this time is for deep and thorough preparation. This does not exclude witnessing, for this is an essential part of becoming fully qualified for the work which lies ahead when the real days for witnessing arrive.

The most powerful study of the week arose from the light contained in Revelation 8:3-5. In the early morning hours, I had sought my quiet retreat in the woods as an essential preparation for the day’s responsibilities. I had gone to receive life from God to impart it in turn to others.

As I reached out the hand of faith through Jesus to the infinite Source, the truth pictured in these verses came home to me with tremendous force and power. I knew that the Angel referred to could be none other than Christ, for He is the only angel who can minister the prayers of the saints to the Father. As never before I understood His role as the divine, all-powerful Mediator. I realized something of the effectiveness of His work as He takes our weak, feeble prayers and presents them to the Father with the almighty virtue of His own righteousness and life. My faith rested in my Redeemer and I knew that the eternal Father hears and answers every petition which reaches Him through the mighty ministry of Jesus.

As this revelation was opened to my mind by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, I felt myself in the presence of the angels and was loath to leave the spot. Fresh from this communion, I stood before the people and the word was with power. I know that the study which was then presented had a blessed effect on the minds of all who listened.

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Palmwoods – Revelation 11 to 14

The study of Revelation “in detail” that was begun in America, continued in Australia. About this camp, Fred wrote:

During the week, we continued the study of Revelation beginning with Chapter 11, and proceeding through 12, 13, and 14.

The first of these chapters deals with the tremendous reaction to the papal policies occurring at the end of the eighteenth century when the French people rose in revolt against the priests and the nobility. This was an especially valuable study as it demonstrated the natural outworking of Satan’s rule over men, and is a revelation of what will happen in the last days when the restraining Spirit of God shall leave men. Then, in the mad outburst of their fierce passions, they will demonstrate the sure outworking of Satan’s rule.

With the termination of the French Revolution and the subsequent exaltation of the two witnesses, the Old and the New Testaments, the second woe was passed which in turn indicated the finishing of the sixth trumpet. The time had then come for the opening of the seventh trumpet during which time the mystery of God is to be finished. The mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory. When Jesus has been fully formed within each believer, sin has been ended, transgression is finished, and everlasting righteousness is brought in.

Revelation 12 and 13, bring to view the resurgence of the papal determination to build God’s kingdom after their own ways. The deadly wound is in process of healing and full recovery will soon be achieved. When that is accomplished, the oppressive rule and resulting persecutions of the past will be renewed. Men will show that they have learned nothing from the lessons of history. They will repeat the mistakes of the past and will as certainly bring upon themselves the same consequences.

When the final punishments contained in the seventh trumpet fall as a dreadful harvest of self-imposed retribution upon mankind, the sufferings endured during the French Revolution will be repeated. No longer, however, will the scale be merely national. Instead, it will extend to the remotest bounds of the earth.
To meet this impending crisis, God must have a people who have “the patience of the saints,” “keep the commandments of God,” and have “the faith of Jesus”. Revelation 14:12.

To develop a company of people with these qualifications, God has sent the messages contained in Chapter 14. It is the proclamation of these truths which will fit God’s final army to meet and vanquish the last evil confederation of all Satan’s forces.

It takes time for God to prepare His army just as Satan is not able to assemble his forces in a moment. The period when the Lord is readying His forces is now. Each believer needs to recognize just what the present work and responsibility are so that he can give God the greatest possible cooperation. It is a sad fact that the Adventist people failed in the early days of their history because they were not prepared to endure through the time necessary to attain the fitness for the coming conflict. We must learn from their history not to make the same mistake.

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South Australia – Revelation 15 to 22

This camp actually was held in March of 1983, but I’ve put it under 1982 because it was the last in the series of Revelation studies that were begun in that year. Originally it was intended to finish off the Revelation series in the New Zealand camp, but Fred forgot a piece of the recording equipment, so he had to postpone the plan until the South Australian camp. About this camp, Fred wrote:

The material studied was the remaining chapters of Revelation, namely 15-22. We have now completed the study of this wonderful book…

Palmwoods – Sabbath Revelation Series

These are a series of Sabbath studies that Fred gave in his home church during the year that the Revelation series was presented. They are probably not complete, nor always contiguous.

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