The main theme presented at the camp meetings in 1977 was “The Seven Angels”. Some studies were also devoted to a consideration of the “Law and the Covenants”, although only 2 studies have survived from that series. Of the theme presented in 1977, Fred wrote:

This year the great light focused firstly on the seven angels’ messages, work and movements of Revelation fourteen and eighteen. Whereas, in the Adventist Church we were taught about and saw only the first three, and whereas, we did come to see that there was a fourth, we now understand that there are a total of seven altogether. The first four of these appear and do their work before the close of probation and the last three after it closes.

This gives an entirely new perspective to the nature of the final work. We now see that the finishing work is done after and not before the close of probation and therefore that finishing work is not the preaching of the gospel as we formerly supposed. The final work is the revelation of the character of God as the means of removing the very cause of the great controversy and enabling the Saviour to return. This brought into a greater focus of importance the messages on the character of God which had already been given to us.

Further it is seen that the messages of the first four angels are designed by the Lord to recruit and prepare a people to fill the ranks of God’s last army. That work will be finished by the time the close of probation is reached after which the last great battle will be fought and won.

The most beautiful light we have ever seen on the law of God came through in the meetings this year. There was not a person present who was not affected for good or evil by this revelation of truth. It is safe to say that most were enriched by this truth. What proved most wonderful was the power of the message to deliver folk from the legalism of the old covenant. It was a wonderful deliverance indeed and we know that it is the preparation for the last great work when God’s true children will go forth to proclaim the Sabbath more fully and to make known the true character of God and His wonderful law of love.

Without question, the messages were present truth. More than one person testified with conviction that the messages were just what the people needed.

Some time was spent on the consideration of why movements have failed in the past and why we too will fail if we do not learn the lessons of the past. The very spirit of God is the spirit of a giver. To have His character is to have the character of the great Giver. Therefore, unless we learn to give ourselves totally for the finishing of the work we will fail as did all others before us.

Many questions were raised to fill out the question periods and time ran out before all the ground could be covered.
So full and wonderful was the revelation of truth given that we are sincerely left wondering as to what the Lord will have for us for the meetings next year. At the moment we have no idea or inkling, but the Lord will give it when the time comes, of this we can be certain from past experience.

In the meantime, remember that the truth of God is progressive. Let every effort be put forth to keep pace with the advancing light. (News Review, September 1977)

Arkansas – The Seven Angels

About this camp meeting, Fred wrote:

Much the some ground was covered the seven angels, the law in Galatians, the old and new covenants and faith. This last mentioned subject received more attention than in California and the study of it brought real power into the meetings. At the end of the week, for the first time I began to preach on the health message, presenting it in a light in which we had not hitherto seen it. All were deeply impressed with this angle of approach and realized that it was correct and that in the past our approach to the health question has been too much on an old covenant basis. Consequently we have never been wholly satisfied on this matter and for this reason have been so open to every new idea and doctrine which comes along on the subject in the hope that at last the missing link has been found. Now we have a new covenant message on health and for the first time I will be happy to preach a health message and will do so with enthusiasm and interest. (News Review, October 1977)

Unfortunately, no studies on this beginning of the health message, have survived. And only two studies from the series on the Law have survived (they are the last two studies posted). However, these themes were presented again in the future, and are available in books now, so the truth was not lost.

The studies on the Law appeared in the July 1977 issue of the Messenger, under the title, “Unfolding the Law,” and are available in PDF format here. The studies on True Medical Missionary Work continued to grow from 1977 on. The foundation of this message is available in the book, Your Doctor.

Fred also wrote:

The camp was nothing short of a most encouraging experience. Wonderful was the development of the truth the Lord gave to us and confirmed was the realization that the coming of the Lord hastes greatly. The message of the fourth angel must now be largely complete. This being so, the time must be upon us when the mighty power of the latter rain will be added to the presentation of the third angel’s message in verity.

Fred’s hope, as here expressed, that “the message of the fourth angel must now be largely complete,” was to be disappointed; the Lord had, and continues to have, lots more light to give, to raise His people to the high standard He wants them to reach unto. The message on God’s Sabbath Rest appeared in 1979. 1980 saw a series, and eventually a book, on God’s Way in the Sanctuary. The Child Salvation message appeared shortly after. Then finally came Gospel Order. After that, Fred was getting weak, and Andreas Dura took over the work of messenger, and continued to present new truths, and old truths in a new light, for the next 25 years.

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