Fragments, Vol. 1: Grace Greater Than Sin

Grace Greater Than SinThis is the first volume of the “Fragments” series, a collection of periodical articles which never made it into book format, organized by topic. This volume covers the Gospel message, the power of God to deliver from sin.

In this volume there are lessons on faith, freedom from sin, Christ’s identification with humanity, how to receive His eternal life, how righteousness by faith works, and the purpose of the law. 496p

“It is not what is outside of us, but what is inside, that makes us Christians and keeps us so. You must be better before you can do better.
“Christianity does not come from ourselves, nor from anybody nor anything that is around us. It comes down straight from heaven to every soul who will receive it. And having its source in heaven, it is not, and cannot be, affected by anything that is of earth.
“Thus the Christian has joy in sorrow, peace in perplexity, riches in poverty, society in loneliness, and friendship among strangers and even enemies.” Advent Review, November 2, 1897

There are 101 articles in this collection, a bit too many to post here, so I have skipped the usual “Contents” listing.



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