The Glad Tidings

The Epistle to the Galatians, together with its companion, the Epistle to the Romans, was the source, through the Spirit, of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, the key-note of which was, “The just shall live by faith.”

The Reformation then begun is not yet complete, and the same watchword needs to be sounded now as then. If the people of God will become filled with the truth so vividly set forth in this epistle, both the church and the world will be stirred as profoundly as in the days of Luther.

This book is Waggoner’s more full exposition of the book of Galatians, verse by verse. It is the best treatment of this Epistle since Luther’s famous work, and goes much further as the light of truth shines brighter in our time.

The object of the book of Galatians is to present the true gospel, as opposed to the false one that was being promoted by some teachers in the early church, and yet the error behind their teaching is always a present danger to us today, whenever we lose our connection to Christ. Galatians is preeminently designed to distinguish between real righteousness by faith, and the false righteousness, which puts human works in the place of faith.

Galatians is often misused by some professing Protestants, to denigrate obedience to the law, or to make faith a substitute for obedience. Waggoner meets these arguments and shows that righteousness is, in fact, law-keeping. It is the aim of the gospel to make men “just,” or “righteous,” through the implantation of the life of Christ by faith. Men must “be good” before they can “do good”, and the gospel supplies both. 282p


  1. The True Gospel
  2. Life by the Faith of Christ
  3. The Curse and the Blessing
  4. The Adoption of Sons
  5. The Spirit’s Power over the Flesh
  6. The Glory of the Cross

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